Brian Casel (@casjam) hosts conversations with founder friends.  We talk about startups, products, software, entrepreneurship, but also what's happening in our lives away from our screens and revenue graphs.

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Latest Episodes

Radical Design with Jack McDade

Jack McDade is the creator of the new course, Radical Design. He's also the founder of Statamic CMS.  In this contuation of our conversation, we talked about Jack's un...

The Story of Statamic CMS with Jack McDade

Jack McDade is the founder of Statamic CMS and the creator of the new course, Radical Design.  In this conversation, Jack shared his story of going from film maker to ...

Software founder life in NYC with Sam Selikoff

Sam Selikoff, cofounder of BuildUI, returns to the show and we talk all about NYC! New York City, one of my favorite places.  Brian and Sam’s conversation was recorded...

Building a Courses Business with a YouTube audience with Kevin Powell

Kevin Powell returns to the show where we talk about the business side of his work as a YouTuber and teacher of front-end development and CSS.  Brian and Kevin’s conve...

How Lianna Patch Reinvented Her Copywriting Business

Lianna Patch wasn’t thrilled with the work she was doing, who she was doing it for, and the lack of fun she was having as a professional copywriter. So she changed eve...

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