With Slack as the primary collaboration tool for over 70% of SpotDraft clients, we’re thrilled to enhance this integration. Now, to help you stay informed and take immediate action, we’ve enhanced SpotDraft to bring you more context directly within Slack—without leaving your preferred workspace.

On a mission: Slack Notifications with a Purpose

With such a large user base relying on Slack to manage workflows seamlessly, it was natural for us to enhance our Slack integration to help users collaborate more efficiently on contracts within Slack itself. The goal of our Slack integration improvements was to ensure that contracts progress smoothly by enabling users to continue working on Slack and respond directly to contract tasks without needing to switch to a different app to complete them.  

We also wanted to ensure that there wasn’t a constant barrage of notifications. Key stakeholders need real-time updates about significant activities, but we wanted to reduce the clutter—ensuring that the right message appears with comprehensive context needed to make informed decisions.

Our aim is to enable smoother workflows, not be the speed bumps your team needs to overcome, while delivering the best possible user experience.

New Dimensions: New notifications to get the Job Done

The new Slack notifications types are grouped into three categories:

For Actions Required: These are notifications that need you to take action on a contract, such as approval, signature, or review. 

Provide Information Only: These notifications inform you when a critical partner signs a document or when an approval is accepted or rejected.

When Collaboration is Needed: Notifications that requests the user to add a comment or replies without logging into SpotDraft.

New Slack Notification from SpotDraft deconstructed!

Each Slack notification from SpotDraft is built using functional blocks that give color to the entire context of the notification with different essential information in a clear and easily consumable format. These blocks can be combined in different ways based on the type of notification.

Here’s the different blocks that shows up depending on the type of notification:

  1. Subject Block: Includes the user's name linked to their slack profile name, describing the action the user needs to take or the acknowledgment they need to receive, and any relevant notes or comments.
  2. Basic Information Block: Provides essential contract details, including contract name, counterparty, the business user and details of the user who has reviewed the contract.
  3. Approval Information Block: Outlines all approval related info, including approval name,  completed, skipped, and pending approvals.
  4. Metadata Block: Highlights additional contract-specific metadata.
  5. Signature Information Block: Displays signature progress, showing both completed and pending signatures.

Clear, Contextual Collaboration!

The revamped Slack notification structure allows users to quickly understand what’s required, take action directly from Slack, and stay on top of critical contract events. This improvement reduces contract lifecycle times and enhances collaboration, bringing teams closer to seamless contract management.

SpotDraft’s enhanced Slack integrations are just one of many steps we’re taking to make sure that contract management is more seamless operating at a place which you most prefer.

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