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Tampon Guy Laughs at Tesla Stock

March 21, 2025

It's happening.

Are you paying attention?

The best is when you're already moving on a position, and then new extremes in sentiment confirm the opportunity that you had already identified.

This is the setup currently in place for shares of Tesla stock.

Last week I told you how I had 2 separate experiences with normies who were telling me how much they hated Elon Musk. This was on an unsolicited basis. I didn't even ask.

See: The Libs Hate Elon & Tesla

It happened twice. In the same weekend. Civilians on both occasions.

So we immediately laid out the trade for Premium Members of ASC Research. You can access the video explanation here or just skip right the the trade ideas page.

This is a trade we already liked.

But then....things got so much juicer.

The infamous "Tampon Tim" is popular for allegedly mandating that there be free tampons inside boys bathrooms starting in the 4th grade. 

After we were already bullish the stock, this creepy dude decides to dance on stage laughing at the stock of Tesla, bragging how a falling stock price helps him get through his day.

True story...

This is a former Vice Presidential Candidate celebrating the decrease in shareholder value and how that negatively impacts many Americans. 

When the Tampon guy is dancing on a stage laughing about a falling TSLA stock, we have to be close to the bottom...

I've been doing this a long time. And I pay attention.

This is what bottoms look like.

So what's the potential upside here?

The risk is that TSLA becomes the biggest company in the world and you didn't own it because you were butt hurt that the CEO is besties with the President. 

It's this kind of sentiment that gets me as bullish as I've gotten.

We laid out all the details for this trade during our LIVE Call this week

If you're not already a Premium Members of ASC Research, you can access the replay here, download the slides and gain 24/7 access to all the trade ideas in Real Time.

You can join the winning team here RISK FREE.

See you in there!



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