- Here comes nationalism
- The sexy blue collar workers of TikTok
- Less flavor, more taste
The European “far right” (media speak for “wants border control”) made huge gains across the continent this weekend, securing major wins in France, Germany, and Italy. It’s the latest development in a populist political revolution now trending in almost every corner of the developed world, including here at home. Neither Europe nor America has ever seen a flood of illegal immigration so great, or of a kind so apparently disinterested in assimilation. This has naturally led to social strife, and broad support for almost any candidate promising law and order at the border. Will our ruling elite get the message, and finally do something? It’s still unclear, but NASA — the federal body that once architected missions to the moon — did just announce its new “intersex inclusive” pride flag, which literally nobody asked for, least of all intersex Americans. So at least we know they’re listening.
The sexy blue collar workers of TikTok |
A new piece in the Wall Street Journal profiles the “blue collar influencers” showing off their lives as electricians and plumbers, suggesting their popularity may reflect Gen Z’s increasing interest in trade school. Admittedly, it’s all a bit ironic — the influencers themselves, who often make upwards of $300K per year from ad revenue and brand partnerships alone, are decidedly not “blue collar,” and for much of the country skilled trades never actually went out of style. But look: if a hot electrician in skin-tight Carhartts is what kids need to help them understand a four-year undergraduate degree that sets them back >$250K isn’t their only option in life, fine. I will unselfishly do my duty to country and watch the reels. Thank me later, America.
In a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, authors discovered an ‘unintended effect’ of restricting flavored vapes: many people, especially in the 18-20 year old age group, respond to the bans by opting into cigarettes. Great work, nanny state regulators. You’ve ensured our youth will smell like the floor of a shitty casino rather than a Mango Tropical Headrush™. But then again, maybe we really should thank these idiots. After all, there’s an elegance in a melancholy Kate Moss-type smoking outside a café, a thin curl of smoke around her while she grins — a clever thought about some Russian novel, maybe, or just to drive me crazy from across the street — which frankly doesn’t hit the same as Kyle blowing donuts off his Juul in the back of Biology 201. So keep the regulations coming. I guess we’re dying young again, but at least we’ll all be hot.
Steve Jobs is quoted as saying, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Few B2B SaaS companies take this as seriously as Warp, the payroll and compliance platform we use here at Pirate Wires. The Warp team has said no to all the superfluous features that their competitors are focused on, and instead opted for a dead-simple interface that allows us to get in, do the thing, and get out. Most importantly, Warp puts our payroll compliance on autopilot, allowing us to spend more time in Google Docs and less time on the phone with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. If design truly is “how it works,” then Warp is designed exceptionally.
Get started with Warp here. |
Is Silicon Valley Voting For Trump? |
The election is coming into focus this week as the vibe shift in tech seems to favor Trump, highlighted by David Sacks' Trump Fundraiser this week in SF. Also discussed: Ibram X Kendi, SpaceX, Polymarket, and the Department of Education. |