- Brain chips, spaceships, genetically modified “frankensheep”
- Stay Sexy, Apple
- Mackenzie Bezos' multi-billion-dollar n-word pass
Brain chips, spaceships, genetically modified “frankensheep” |
Last week, on its slow march to Mars, SpaceX test-launched another starship, which it broadcast via Starlink connection, a first-of-its-kind global satellite network the company also built. The press called this a failure. This week, Neuralink granted a quadriplegic man the ability to play chess with his mind. The press derided the company for years. But no recent story has captured me like the elderly rancher who cloned an endangered species of sheep, and genetically modified the beast into a giant hybrid “frankensheep” for private hunting. The press called this man a danger, and he’ll probably go to jail. I’m sorry, I thought this was America. Our country has turned on its heroes, and therefore lost its way. There’s no return for us to greatness until the freaks and scientists are safe.
Yesterday the DOJ and sixteen states launched an antitrust suit against Apple, saying that the company's stranglehold on app distribution, payments and messaging is a violation of the Sherman Act. Here's the thing though: In Apple's last big court case, they brought evidence that Apple users don't stay because they can't leave; they stay because Apple is good and sexy and awesome. And Apple is right. Let's be honest, they could put another U2 album on all of our phones and we'd find a reason to stick around.
Mackenzie Bezos' multi-billion-dollar n-word pass |
Since receiving the largest divorce settlement ever in 2019, Jeff Bezos' ex-wife has given away over $17 billion to various charities and NGOs. The largest target area? Race and Ethnicity. Apparently, the donations started pouring out after the George Floyd incident. Imagine getting Patty Hearsted by a black square on Instagram. Either way, it’s a lot of money, far above market rate for a soft-a pass and maybe even enough for a hard r. Let her say the word!
TikTok’s Spin Doctor Knows Better Than to Tell the Truth
if you squint, michael beckerman tells you all you need to know about who can see the company’s user data |
The Shitposting Gods of Silicon Valley |
from the archives: mike solana shares the great news that the gods of silicon valley now realize that they have large platforms to tell their own stories |
Welcome to the EU-California Anti-Tech Alliance |
last year, luke hogg wrote about why the u.s. shouldn’t destroy its tech businesses, even though sacramento and brussels want it to |