Hey there, DoSomething members,
Did you happen to catch Netflix’s latest documentary fictional film, Don’t Look Up? In case you missed it, the film tells the story of what happens to our planet when folks–like government leaders and media outlets–don’t take threats to our planet seriously, and some MAJOR consequences ensue. Sound familiar? Because the lightbulb in our head just went off, and it sounds *very* similar to our real life climate crisis.
Climate change is real, y’all. It’s time we start taking action to combat things like climate injustice and environmental racism, both of which are exasperated by the climate crisis. Our See Us, Hear Us: Climate Justice campaign gives you the information YOU need to understand these complex issues and the power to make your voice heard!
And bonus! We teamed up with Climate Justice Activist Aditi Mayer to shine a light on environmental racism and activate young people to DoSomething. Use the hashtag #SeeUsHearUs on social media to share how you’re fighting climate injustice and your vision for a green future.
Let’s Do This! DoSomething
Climate inequity is a racial justice issue. Let’s work together to combat climate injustice in communities around the world.
Not sure where to start? That’s where we come in! Educate yourself about climate injustice and environmental racism. The climate crisis is real, and it disproportionately affects communities of color and low-income communities. Share with us how your community may be affected, along with your vision for a green future, and we’ll add them to the first-ever “Youth Map of Climate Injustice” to be shared directly with the EPA. Together, we’ll envision a better future for all.
Check out these DoSomething members who have shared their stories through our See Us, Hear Us: Climate Justice campaign! “I live in Birmingham, Alabama, and have seen firsthand the effect of disastrous weather on low-income communities and the overwhelming challenges to rebuild. Our area has yearly tornadoes, and the southern area of Alabama has a catastrophic hurricane every few years and we have seen that even for those who have insurance, the process of rebuilding their home is often very lengthy and expensive. For others less fortunate, weather destruction is unrecoverable and affects their ability to find and afford housing as well as continue employment,” said DoSomething member Alexandria, 19. “I think having natural spaces in the community, such as parks or nature areas, is important for the well-being of the environment and community, and I would like to see safer, maintained parks in urban areas. Not only are parks good for the environment, but they encourage exercise, socialization, and offer the psychological benefit of unplugging and being in nature.”
Shishmaref is a prime example of climate injustice and environmental racism, along with many other villages in Alaska. Due to climate change, Shishmeraf is facing evacuation due to rising thawing sea ice, thawing permafrost, erosion, and rising sea levels. As a result of this major climate change, many civilians will face great debt, many of these victims can barely afford clean water,” said DoSomething member Krine, 19. “The culprit of these natural atrocities is major oil companies. In conclusion, my goal for a greener future is to hold these major companies accountable and allow more funding towards rural villages. More funding would allow villages to have access to shelter and water.” Join Alexandria and Krine in fighting climate injustice and envisioning a greener future today!
ICYMI…last Thursday was the one-year anniversary of the January 6 Capitol Attack. Hear from three members of Congress on where our nation goes from here.
Why aren’t more people talking about…Ayesha Malik, the first woman ever to be nominated as a Supreme Court Justice in Pakistan! #GirlPower
Happy Birthday to…Alexander Hamilton! Today, we celebrate the ten-dollar founding father who would have turned 265 this year! *cue us singing along to the Broadway soundtrack ALL day*
Want funding, mentorship, and resources for LIFE?! Check out this opportunity from We Are Family Foundation (WAFF) and Rise – the $1B scholarship fund co-founded by former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt! The deadline to apply is JANUARY 14! Make sure to put “WE ARE FAMILY FOUNDATION” as how you heard about the opportunity so they can support you through the process (WAFF had 5 out of the 100 winners in 2021)! There are resources for ALL applicants, so why not apply?! Visit here to apply! And don’t forget to put WE ARE FAMILY FOUNDATION as how you heard!
Accepted into your dream college? Awesome! Now, let’s talk about scholarships.
Complete a free profile on CollegeXpress and answer one question: What’s the most difficult part about searching for scholarships?
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