
Manage your email notifications

Change your email notification preferences or update the email address where you'd like to receive emails from Buffer.

Useful tips and best practices for getting the most out of your Buffer account.

Emails about changes to the status of your queue and scheduled posts. For example, when a post successfully publishes or if your queue becomes empty.

Emails about your connected channels. For example, when a channel is disconnected.

Emails to inform you if a post in your queue fails to be published.

Emails related to your account's billing details and payment, including billing reminders.

Inspiration, AI prompts, and educational content for creating social media content.

A weekly report on the performance of your channels and content.

Emails celebrating milestones you've reached with Buffer.

Emails and notifications when team members are invited, create drafts, or request approvals.

Emails to participate in our user feedback and research to help make Buffer better.

Occasional emails sharing updates and news from Buffer, including new features and product announcements.

Our latest blog posts and curated advice to help you grow on social media.

Our latest blog posts on Buffer's open culture and our commitment to transparency.

Our latest career opportunities and role openings at Buffer.