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Automation & Data: Your Startup's Superpower

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HubSpot for Startups

Startups grow and scale better with HubSpot for Startups. With education, software at a startup-friendly price, and over 500 integrations, startups have the tools and support needed to find success.

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Segment's Startup Program

Segment's Startup Program is your prebuilt data infrastructure. Implement it once and connect to almost 400 marketing automation, analytics, CRM and payment tools with the flip of a switch without engineering hours.

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Dreamdata is a B2B Revenue Attribution Platform that out-of-the-box collects, joins, cleans, and sorts all data related to revenue generation. Dreamdata transforms this data into easy-to-digest, analysis on how your B2B makes revenue and gives unprecedented clarity into the customer journey. This helps you answer vital B2B marketing questions like; what’s the return on ad spend, the LTV of ads, which campaigns and channels to stop or scale, and how long it takes to acquire new customers.