Hey y’all!
Here at DoSomething, we know paying for school and making a difference in your community are two of the most important things for members like you. That’s why we offer the chance to earn scholarships for volunteering, and why we never require a GPA, a recommendation, or an essay. Ever.
Want to meet past winners and find opportunities for yourself? Subscribe to Pays To Do Good, our monthly scholarship email, which will hit your inbox this Friday.
Let’s Do This! Ben, Editor-in-chief
Power to the Period: How DoSomething Members Are Fighting Period Poverty During COVID-19 In one major city, as many as ⅔ of low-income people who menstruate struggle to afford period products like tampons and pads, and these products are some of the most-needed items in homeless shelters.
Plus, due to the financial strain of COVID and the closing of public places (like schools and libraries) that provide free products, ¼ young people have a difficult time managing their periods. “The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many public health disparities, ranging from healthcare unavailability to mass unemployment, but less frequently discussed, lack of access to menstrual hygiene products,” says DoSomething member Aanya, 15, who rallied her community to donate 53,000 menstrual products to local schools and shelters through DoSomething’s Power to the Period campaign.
Even just one box of unopened products can make a huge difference for someone in need. Sign up and use our shelter location finder to get started.
ICYMI… check out our IG Live with Marley Dias, the super inspiring 16-year-old founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks!
This week in Pets of DoSomething… Brady’s dog, Sam’s dog, and Madelynn’s dog!
Because Black history is year-round (and happening every day)... meet these 16 young Black Americans making history right now.
If you want to earn scholarships for volunteering… subscribe to Pays To Do Good, our monthly scholarships newsletter.
This week in Black joy... Atlanta residents are growing the nation’s largest free food forest to combat food insecurity.
More Amazing Impact From the DoSomething Community!
We asked you to brag about the amazing stuff you’re doing, and you did not disappoint. Here are some of our favorite answers from the DoSomething community. (Psst...submit yours here!)
“Every year our school has the REACH bake sale. It raises money for the special education program and is basically tradition. This year, due to COVID, we're not sure if it will be possible to have it. I've been working alongside the REACH teachers in hopes that we can come up with a safe way to have our yearly bake sale!”
- DoSomething member Veronica, 18, USA
“It might be looked at as a bit selfish, but I have finally started to pay more attention to my own mental health. I take breaks when I need them, think about what makes me happy. I hope that I can be a role model to others to think about what they need.”
- DoSomething member Abbey, 17, Wisconsin
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